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"further generation...steer the best for better prospect of life"


Permata Maritime Training Centre Sdn Bhd (PMTC) was accredited as maritime training institution by Marine Department Malaysia in 2013. Our training courses and certification are aim for seafarers, marine engineers, marine captains and officers, radio officers, marine surveyors and inspectors, and any other personnel in marine time field who wish to pursue operational efficiency, safety & security knowledge, shipping management, personal professional development and ISO requirement. We achieve this by providing you and your crew our extensive know how expertise including consultancy and training by our industry’s best speakers and state of the art training centre. Our main training centre is located in the center of Bintulu at Assyakirin Commercial Square and our onsite training facility is located in Kampung Penan Muslim (Batu 10 Bintulu-Miri).



  1. Our training centre was created to provide maritime training services for any registered seaman across Worldwide.

  2. Our training centre also provide quality training module and condusive learning space for seaman to train in our training centre.

  3. Our training centre employ instructer that are not only qualified and experienced seaman but also certified by the Maritime Department of Malaysia.





The purpose of this maritime institute is to provide maritime services to all seafarer register in Malaysia.


Beside it will provide the quality of module courses including the suitable contusive courses to seafarers training at this institute.


We have qualified experience trainers and lecturers approved by Marine Department of Malaysia.


This maritime institute will give the knowledge in every aspect if marine information for the priority of the seafarer. At the present moment we are focus on Basic Training, Ship Security Awareness and Designated Security Duties which have been audited and approved by Marine Department of Malaysia.


With regards to the formation of this institute, we are confidence to provide good and quality seafarer in this region. Hopefully will comply to the Standard of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW) 1978, Manila Amendment 2010. And the codes in Malaysia enforced 01 July, 2014.


Due to the fast growing  in Bintulu, availability  of surplus of oil and gas, the man power was really needed to develop the SCORE. And with the formation of this institute will provide the well trained work force for both Bintulu Port Sendirian Berhad, Samalaju Port, both local and international shipping company. And also oil and gas industry.


Learn and understand simple ways of stopping fire before it became major.

Basic treatment given to avoid severe injuries.

Personal Survival Training PMTCSB
Personal Survival Training

The training concern on rescue and survival method in water or sea enviroment.

Basic Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting OMTCSB
Basic Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
Personal Safety and Social Responsibility PMTCSB
Personal Safety and Social Responsibility

The training mainly focus on the responsiblity of every person's social safety.

Elementary First Aid OMTCSB
Elementary First Aid
Security Awareness Training PMTCSB
Security Awareness Training

To facilitate the delivery of training in the competence standard required by the IMO convention on Standards of training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended. It is intended to provide the knowledge required to enable personnel without designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP) to enhance ship security in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, the ISPS Code, and section A-VI/6-1 of the STCW Code, as amended.

Security Awareness Training PMTCSB
Marine General Purpose Rating/Cadet

Start your career with us. The course covers General Ship Knowledge and marine Engineering Knowledge. Successfull candidate will be able to join any shipping company as deck or engine crew with future to become officer level.

Seafarers With Designated Security Duties Training PMTCSB
Seafarers With Designated Security Duties Training

To provide the knowledge required for seafarers with desinated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP) to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, the ISPS Code, and section A-VI/6-1 of the STCW Code, as amended.

Seafarers With Designated Security Duties Training PMTCSB
Basic Training (Revalidation)

The course will satisfy the requirement every five years to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence in Basic Training of Section A-VI/1 and Tables A-VI/1-1 and A-VI/1-2 of the STCW Code, as amended.

Security Awareness Training PMTCSB
Ship Security Officer

Become a qualified Ship Security Officer in Maritime Security Industry. As increasing need for more qualified security, we provide a comprehensive syllabus  at highest standard available.

Seafarers With Designated Security Duties Training PMTCSB
Tanker Oil & Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations

To provides specialized training in subjects appropriate to the duties of senior officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit or handling of bulk oil and chemical cargoes.

© 2014 by Permata Group.


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